Walking Tactile Meditation
Walking Tactile Meditation
Walking Meditation is a practice that combines the mindfulness of walking with a heightened awareness of the sensations and textures experienced through the soles of your feet. It offers a unique opportunity to ground yourself in the present moment, cultivate mindfulness, and deepen your connection with your body and the environment. By focusing on the tactile sensations during each step, you can enhance your sensory experience and bring a sense of calm and presence to your walking practice. 
Texture Exploration - Tactile Meditation
Texture Exploration - Tactile Meditation
Texture Exploration is a practice that invites you to engage your sense of touch and explore various textures to cultivate present-moment awareness and deepen your sensory experience. By intentionally focusing on the textures of objects, surfaces, or even your own body, you can develop a heightened sense of tactile sensitivity and deepen your connection with the physical world.
Mindful eating - Tactile flow meditation
Mindful eating - Tactile flow meditation
Mindful Eating is a practice that involves bringing a deep sense of presence and awareness to the act of eating. By focusing on the tactile sensations, taste, and chewing of each bite, you can cultivate a greater connection with your food, enhance your appreciation for nourishment, and develop a healthier relationship with eating. 